What the hell is with that magazine?! I mean, they have these detailed drawings of hairy monkeys women, and the men, too, but they make 'em so dang small you can't even stare at their tits and make it look like your actually interested in the article.>:2 Anyways, I was reading one today and there's this add about airbags that says to slam the magazine repeatedly against your face. So, the assfuck next to me picks it up and starts slamming it against his face and starts laughing (no he's not retarded, just stupid. We call him Schechter). Then he drops it. I pick it up and the cover closes revealing two naked babies on a beach towel. Some add for Kodak. So I give it to him with the cover turned upwards, and he doesn't realize he's about to beat his own face in with baby ass. Then he does someone notices, and I took my leave there. He was the center of attention for some time after!